Last weekend we spent 2 nights near Dungog, an hour inland from Newcastle. Dungog is a unique town with it’s historic homes and super wide streets. This is the main settlement for the surrounding farms and the pub I photographed had quite a few farmers and workers (in their high visibility outfits) having a cold beer after work….quite oblivious to the unbelievable sunset taking place above them. Love these old aussie pubs. I took many angles and once or twice I was in the middle of the main road with my tripod setup (not a busy town on a Monday night).

During the day I scouted the area and found this dilapidated old farm house. After a long walk through the tall grass I managed to get close enough to shoot, had to dodge a few cows on the way there.

Still can’t believe my luck with that sunset, doesn’t often do that for me. Enjoy my landscape photography…Brent

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