Mailman’s Postie Adventures

Join me on my Postie Adventures into the unknown…

Print It – Creating An Impact With Your Images
Nothing creates an impact like seeing your own images printed and hanging on the wall. There are so many digital images being taken every day – millions of them. But so few are actually printed. Printing really does become the final part of the photographic process.

Story Collection – Telling A Story With Photos
A Story Collection is essentially a collection of related images that tell a story. It is a photo collage of balanced images. Balanced in shape or size, colour, light and shadow, black and white. Images that work in together.

Starburst Effect: Add a Little Magic to Your Images
The Starburst effect (it’s also referred to as the Sunstar or Sunburst effect). Is about capturing the sun or external light and causing a Starburst effect within your image.

Create Artistic Images With A Nifty Fifty Lens
A nifty fifty is a 50mm Prime Lens, also referred to as a normal or standard lens, as it is similar to what our eyes see. It is a fixed-length lens.

Capturing Night Photography With Creative Imagery
Learn how to create beautiful and artistic night imagesWhat is Night Art? The definition of night art (or night light) is capturing images without the aid of the sun. Whether that is star light, moonlight or artificial light. Using our cameras to capture images using...

Splash Photography: A Great Way To Show The Fun Of Summer
Learn different ways you can create splash photographyWhat is splash photography? The definitions of splash are: 1) A small amount of a liquid that has fallen or been dropped, to become spattered about. 2) Splash of water or splash of color. Photography capturing...

Using Long Exposure Photography To Create Unique And Creative Images
Long exposure photography is created by using a long shutter speed to capture stationary elements of the scene while blurring or showing motion in the elements that move. It can be anywhere from a 1/2 second exposure to 10 minutes or more.

Personal Projects to Learn And Growing Further
Keeping the joy of photography alive for you.What is a personal or passion project? A personal project is something you choose to focus on to photograph over time. It can be a long-term project with no deadline or end. Your project becomes something that you want to...

Creating Triptychs With Your Photographs
A triptych is a set of three associated artistic, literary or musical works intended to be appreciated together. In photography, a triptych might involve taking one image and splitting it up into three different sections.

Best Photography Portfolio Website
Why it’s important to showcase you best photographs?
Are you at that stage in your photography journey that you want to showcase your very best images?

Choosing Your Top Shots And Best Images From The Past Year
Why going through your previous year’s images is important and how to easily choose your top shots in Lightroom.

Remembering The Holidays Through Photographs
Capturing your memories during holidays.What is photographing the holidays? There are many holidays around the end of the year that present us with multiple opportunities to photograph family, events, friends and celebrations. Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year’s Eve,...

Creating Cheerful, Artistic Photos With High Key Photography
What does HIGH KEY mean in photography?What is high key photography? High key photography is described as creating images that use mostly lighter tones and whites. These images have less contrast in them, have little to no shadows and are typically photographed with a...

Using Reflections in Your Photography
Learn how using reflections can help you create more interesting imagesWhat is photography using reflections? It's pretty simple really, reflection photography is anytime you create an image using a reflective surface to mirror your subject. This is sometimes also...

5 Tips For Using Slow Shutter Speed
What happens when you use a slow shutter speed?Mostly we try to keep our shutter speed high enough so that we’re not introducing blur or camera shake into our images. There are times and places though when we want to show motion or produce a more creative image. Using...

General Rules For Shutter Speeds In Photography
Typical rules for using shutter speeds in photographyWhen first starting out in photography one of the most asked questions is “What is the best shutter speed to use?” Generally speaking, using the standard rule of thumb is to make the shutter speed equal to your...

Using Neutral Density Filters To Affect Shutter Speed
Creative use of shutter speed and using neutral density (ND) filters to show movement during the dayHow is it in those crowded tourist spots do some photographers capture images with no people in them? Are they spending hours in Photoshop removing them? Maybe, but...

How Looking Up in your Photography Creates Unique Images
Change the perspective in your photography by looking up.What is looking up in photography? Any time we aim our camera upward would be considered looking up photography. Whenever you choose to photograph objects that are above your head. For example, things in trees,...

When to Use a Fast Shutter Speed?
What does using a fast shutter speed do to an image? Shutter speed is one of the ways we can control the outcome of an image. We can choose to create motion using slower shutter speeds and we can freeze the motion using faster shutter speeds. In this article, we’ll...

Using Shutter Speed For A Scene With High Contrast
How to use your shutter speed in a scene with dark and bright lightYou’ve been there, you walk into a gorgeous landscape or city scene and the light is amazing. The shadows are amazing. They are both incredible. The question is how can I shoot this? What can I do to...
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I want to
learn to take
I want to
learn to take