How to not burn-out, and building a team with the same vision
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Today’s PhotoProfit, my special guest is Pamela Aurino from Ela Photography. She’s an amazing wedding photographer and we’re going to talk about how to not burn out as a wedding photographer. If you are already a photographer and you are getting into wedding photography and you don’t have a team helping you, then this is the podcast you need to listen to. We’re going to learn how Pamela burnt out not only once but twice and what she’s done to grow her team from one to thirty in the last two years. All the things she’s done as she’s full of information and great tips. You’re going to love this podcast.
So, let’s get into it and enjoy! Brent
In this episode
(1:55) The time investment you have to do when doing a wedding
(2:03) probably only shooting about 20 percent of the time
(2:17) You feel like you wanna just drop everything you’re doing, you wanna walk away from this idea of running a business.
(2:30) I let myself think that I wasn’t passionate about photography anymore
(2:50) I think that’s the worst thing for a creative person. To have no creative energy anymore
(3:06) Remedy the situation and dig yourself out of the whole
(3:14) The E Myth Revisited
(4:08) I started to pick out all these little things that I could outsource
(3:30) Effective Hourly Rate
(11:16) How long did it take you to go from a team of one to a team of thirteen?
(13:48) Attracting the right people to join your team
(6:22) What happens if you put your energy to training someone and then they leave and become your competitors?
(20:37) It’s not always about the salary
(23:52) Standard operating procedures
Show Notes:
Brent Mail
PhotoProfit – business of photography
Pamela Aurino –
Show notes –
Building a Team with the Same Vision
- It is important to know what you are getting into (Business side of photography).
- Working as team avoids burning out and opens up doors for other possibilities.
- List down all the aspect of your business and find which ones you love doing and can do and determine which ones you will outsource or out task.
- Outsourcing is hiring someone offshore into your company.
- Out task is a onetime deal (Maybe a fix rate to get the work done)
- Does your hourly rate coincide with the amount of time you spend working?
- Create a work culture/environment that people are gonna want to be a part of.
- Make sure that you set your team up for success.
- Don’t make them feel like they don’t have everything they need to be the best that they can be.
- Take time to listen to your team’s opinion and suggestions. Make them feel heard and valued.
- You can’t do it all on your own. If you want to travel fast, travel alone. If you want to travel long, travel with a team.
- It takes a team to build a strong brand.
Brent: Hey guys, Brent here from Photoprofit. This is a Photography Podcast and today my special guest is Pamela Aurino from Elaphotography. She’s an amazing wedding photographer and we’re gonna talk about how to not burn out as a wedding photographer. If you are already a photographer and you are getting into wedding photography and you don’t have a team helping you, then this is the podcast you need to listen to. We’re going to learn how Pamela burnt out not only once but twice and what she’s done to grow her team from one to thirteen in the last two years. All the things she’s done as she’s full of information and great tips. I think you’re gonna love this Podcast. Let’s jump right in.
Why You Need to Keep the Fire Burning as a Wedding Photographer
Brent: How are you doing, Pamela?
Pamela: I’m really great! Thank you, Brent.
Brent: Good, so tell me, why is it important that people don’t get burned out as wedding photographers and have you actually burned out before?
Pamela: Well, yes absolutely, 100 percent. Just to give you an idea, about seven years ago I was 19 years old and I started my own photography business and I went into it that I’m just gonna make friends in business and I’m gonna get paid to take amazing photos, I’m gonna love it and that will be my dream job and my dream life and very little did I know that when we want to get into the business of wedding photography we then go into it and then we also have to be a business person 80 percent of the time which is what we really don’t like then you have to be going to client meetings and you have to be doing you website, you have to be invoicing and putting your package together and do all these things to the product and then what happens is get into the “Oh , I’m only shooting like 10 percent of the time now. This isn’t what I thought” and that really happened in the second year of my business when we really cranked up the marketing and ended up getting up to 60 weddings in my second year of business and yeah, you can imagine having to put together the start to finish, the time investment you have to do when doing a wedding and it’s usually 40-50 hour process. So, hitting 60 weddings, do the math, I was working 70 hours a week, no days off, all I was doing was behind the desk, dealing with clients and I was probably only shooting about 20 percent of the time. So, I did burn out. I absolutely did and so I had to change it.
Brent: So, what does burn out feel like, Pamela?
Pamela: You feel like you wanna just drop everything you’re doing, you wanna walk away from this idea of running a business. It just felt like I wasn’t even enjoying photography anymore. I let the situation affect it. I was having to do all these business things, I let myself think that I wasn’t passionate about photography anymore and it wasn’t that at all. I know all I wanted to do was just to stroll the town and I wanted to just… You know, it would be so much easier to just work for a company who probably think at that time that I was burnt out. And so, really no more energy and not wanting to get out of bed. I’m dreaded getting up in the morning knowing that I have all these things I need to do and I did not know where to start.
Climb Yourself Out of the Hole
Brent: I think that’s the worst thing for a creative person. To have no creative energy anymore and actually you don’t know… You know, no will to get out and photograph. You just don’t enjoy what you’re doing anymore. I think that’s the worst thing. So, how did you change it? How did you remedy the situation? How did you not burn out and just dig yourself out of that hole?
Pamela: Well that was a great question. So, basically it was very simple. I ended up… Actually, I’ve gotten a book recommended to me. I believe it was by you, Brent. It’s called “The E Myth Revisited” it was by a guy called Michael A. Gerber and basically, I read this book and it was just like so many penny for drop and basically it talked about how… You know, you become this laborer in the business and when you get into a business you then become the manager of the business then you become an entrepreneur so, all the time you’re kind of juggling what you’re supposed to do and I sort of get into “Oh so there’s a decision to make. I can either get really good at business and that way I’d love what I do again or I can go work for a company”. So, I thought well, let’s fix the problem and see what we have to do. So, pretty much I did then put together a list of everything I have to do in my business and that’s when I decided to open up cuz I had all these categories like admin, editing, I had all these different things and I found… I started to pick out all these little things that I could outsource and have somebody else do and so what I ended up doing from there where I was going from 60 weddings a year where I ended up restructuring a bit my packaging and so, I ended up outsourcing the editing side of it and I ended up finding out it was about 12 hour process. So, from the 40 hour wedding processing and shoot to a 12 hour wedding day but then we’ve got wedding day come in total of 40 hours of admin and lots of other things so I ended up outsourcing 15-20 of those hours. So, what I was finding was that I was actually working a lot less in making a small investment to outsource all these little things so I own 10-12 hours out of that process and the actual lay out as well, outsource that. You have to have a little bit of funds to outsource things but if you could pay somebody else the low rate than what you would have to… And I just went into a great lifestyle and I started to find probably 6-8 months after I read the book, I ended up making a few changes and so, I began to love photography again because I ended up making sure I keep what I wanted to do which is the photography and meeting with the clients which is what I really enjoy and then pretty much the rest of it I outsource.
Brent: Awesome! So, to summarize kind of what you did there. So, you basically, you hit capacity. You couldn’t do it all by yourself. You were trying to do it all by yourself, you burnt out, you were working 70 hours a week. You just had too much on your plate. So, what you did was actually, you sat down, you made a list all the different parts of your business that you were doing and right now, you actually just… What I’d like you to do is to take a sticky note and you write down like admin, editing photography, product developing and all that stuff and you assign that to someone’s name and at that stage they were all under Pamela’s name, right?
Pamela: Mhmm…
What is Your Hourly Rate?
Brent: So, you were doing all these jobs in all these different departments. You were doing them all. So, then what you did was you probably found the one… The biggest time killer in your business was the editing which sounded like it was almost 50 percent of the wedding time. You could actually outsource it and that gives you back about 20 hours from the wedding. 15-20 hours or whatever it is and you started slowly outsourcing all the other bits of your business that you maybe you didn’t enjoy as much or you didn’t find as valuable like you… If you haven’t, there’s a key performances hourly rate. But you’ve never heard of that, Pamela?
Pamela: No, I have not.
Brent: So, basically you work out how many hours total you work in your business and you look at the profit left over once everything is paid and you divide that by the hours you worked and you’ll get the hourly rate for your time. So, when you’re actually looking at outsourcing, you can look at your effective hourly rate, count it as if you’re doing all the jobs. Like you work 70 hours a week and let’s just say you own… Whatever… Seeing that you’re earning $10 an hour is just not the best. So, you can outsource other things so that actually when you get up to the $1000 an hour effective hourly rate, that’s when you know you getting to a good point.
Pamela: Yeah, And I’m sure and I’m glad that you said that too because I think I uhm… Ended up putting together at that very second year of business that I got burnt out I was like “surely, I’m losing lots of money” but there was a fair bit of money saved from all the wedding bookings but you know, I was looking at 70 hours a week and I ended up figuring out my hourly rate after. The most that I’ve profited was about $7 an hour.
Brent: Wow!
Pamela: It’s ridiculous!
Take In More Work and Make More Money
Brent: I know. So, ok… so $7 an hour was your effective hourly rate when you were doing all the jobs. Ok, you probably… Because there wasn’t much profit there even though there’s cash flow coming in and out, you’re doing all the work, you were unhappy, you didn’t have much of a lifestyle or you didn’t have to do anything. You were editing images at night when all your friends were out partying. Basically, you have no leverage and I think that’s kind of… We might come back to the capacity and leverage in this lesson because I think that’s the biggest lesson here is when you’re at capacity and you’re doing everything yourself, you can’t actually take in more work. So, you can’t make more money and you can’t make more profit. You’re at the top of what you can do and you basically have zero leverage and you actually started outsourcing and hiring people to do the jobs and you have massive leverage because then you can double your business. So, let’s say you got 60 weddings a year, why don’t you go for 120 next year? You can handle it. In the beginning you couldn’t but now you probably can because all you needed to do is just get more people. Get more Photographers, get more editors, you get more video people and you try and keep them doing what they’re supposed to be doing.
Pamela: And that’s quite like what I heard saying “would you rather a hundred percent of one thing or would you rather one percent of a hundred thing?” So, and you know, the second option obviously, the way to leverage people in their time and yes of course, you’re not out there doing the labor. You have to pay somebody to go out there but say if times that to a thousand, you’re pretty much like getting a commission for every set of jobs that goes out, you know?
Brent: Yeah, totally!
Pamela: Yeah!
Brent: So, what does your business look like now, Pamela?
Pamela: Where do I start? Uhm… Is there anything in particular you’d like to know?
Brent: Well, ok… So you’ve got quite a few people, you’ve outsource a few things, now tell me what you’re outsourcing right now?
Pamela: Ok so, basically I’ve got everything that requires post processing, I’ve got somebody to handle that so pretty much all I do right now in my business is because I still love being out, I think that I still love being able to meet with clients and just meet couples so I’m really passionate about getting to know them and how I can really capture their love story and so, I actually do like to meet with them and I physically shoot some of the weddings, I mean half of the weddings I’m actually shooting whereas I’ve got other photographers now because aiming for videography and we have videographist specializing that and I’ve also got somebody taking care of the video editing, I’ve also got somebody taking care of the actual layout design when we deliver album layouts to clients and I’ve also got a in house photo editor that we do pretty much every time we come back from a wedding we our raw files that basically gets edited and processed by somebody else. So, pretty much the operation side of the business is all outsourced except for the shooting part which what you know… Why I got into wedding photography because I love to shoot. That’s the part that I’m doing. So…
Brent: Awesome! So, how many people in the team?
Pamela: Oh! We’ve got… Probably, in total… With 9 shooters that we’ve got, 2 walk in, 4 intern so we’ve got 13 within the actual team. Over the last 18 months, we’ve worked really hard to get the right team on board you know that understood our vision and everything like that. We’ve got basically direct team of people and the magic happening on the back end of things in them, we’ve got creatives that go out and again… They get to do what they love and just hand over the images and we have editors that get to do what they love and get to make the magic happen on the computer so 13 in total.
Brent: Ok… Perfect! So, how long did it take you to go from a team of one to a team of thirteen?
Pamela: Probably 2 years… Over the last 2 years to get to where we are at now. So basically 2 years ago still outsourcing the things but then I thought I really want to stay on the business because I’ve been looking at it and I’ve been in there for 5 years and I decided I want to do less of the business, put on more shooters be able to leverage my time and still be able to lead and inspire teams and still do what I love and just share the workload? So, It’s that easy. I still find myself shooting. I have a second shoot out but pretty much a good 18 months ago is when we put on a videography that is when everything is… It’s not burn out but I was doing so much hard work on the back end of things to really set out this structure and have videography and photography teams and everything like that. So, it’s taken a good 18-24 months to get it to where it is now. So…
Brent: Sounds good! I mean there’s a lot of work that goes into actually building a team and building the right culture and everything. Tell me, Pamela how do you feel now compared to when you were burnt out and working with the team of one, you and 70 hours a week and 60 weddings a year?
Pamela: I’m feeling really… I feel like now I’ve set myself up to do my life’s purpose and that is to make sure that again, I went back to what I’m really passionate about and that is to still photograph and shoot weddings. Whereas I feel like now I’ve set the foundations up now to have that lifestyle that I really want just a little bit scalable than what I had just 2 years ago so, I’m sort of… I feel like now… After 7 years have gone… Now I feel like I’m a business owner, I feel like I run a business. Not I feel like I just worked inside my business and I’m just self employed. So… And I feel like that’s the difference when you’re a business owner. I feel like now it’s been kind of, I mean, there’s been so many mistakes and so many lessons learned obviously in the last 18-24 months but I think now being able to leverage your team and just a bit… I think the biggest thing I’ve learned is that get people in your team that are way better than you are and that way and that way everybody wins cuz you can totally give them the foundation to be this awesome creative and to go out. I’m the business owner that’s basically doing the marketing and bringing in the work and we’ve created this brand now that people love and being able to have creatives on our team we get to set them up to do their best work and then that makes me super happy as well. So, is that kind of…?
Attracting the Right People to Join your Team
Brent: Yeah, totally! The next question I’ve got is… And probably a lot of people have got a team of one or two might be thinking this is how do you attract the right people into your business?
Pamela: Actually yeah! This is a really tricky one too. I think, basically the lesson that I’ve learned is basically you speak to any recruit and I always advise to chose somebody to be part of your team who has an amazing attitude it didn’t necessarily have to be at the technical side of what they do because that can always be taught and I feel like having that person who has that … I feel like the most important thing to date that I can emphasize is that when you’re interviewing people who are potentially going to be a part of your team in the long term aspect of what you’re doing, they’re always aligned to the “why” of the company and your long term vision because if they don’t understand the long term vision the long term vision of the company, they just say “Oh it’s ok, it’s just kind of a job I want for cash” then that’s not somebody we want for our team. That’s somebody we want to align with our vision and our vision is to inspire couples around the world to celebrate their love story. So, yeah! That’s a big vision and if we don’t have people buy into that then they’re just kind of there just to have a bit of pocket money here and there but that’s not the person who we want to add to our team and I think when people come to the website and they look at your brand everything about branding is about attracting your client. When you have people coming in applying for a job, they go to your website and they go “Oh, I want to be a part of this team” and I think a lot of that comes into place as well as what plays culture. So, I think that… You know, having a retail job back in the day we used to have a couple of managers who were there for leadership and are there based on fee and not creating relationship and just working together as a team. So, I think that people are really attracted to a really good workplace culture and I really think people are really… Like we’re finding now is that people who applies for jobs, if you give them an opportunity to also learn and be a part of something much bigger than they actually are, then that’s when you attract the people that are actually going to stay back after 5 O’clock. They don’t think about getting paid. You’re gonna attract people that will go above and beyond because it’s been branded into them.
Brent: Totally! I’m just amazed at the transformation that has come over you in just a few years ago. Just so people know, Pamela… I use to coach Pamela a couple of years ago… A few years ago and we’ve talked about a lot of things and we haven’t really spoken for a few years and now… It’s just like wow!! You’ve grown so much in your thinking and in your maturity and that’s amazing and I just see that your business is gonna go like gang buster. It’s gonna go really, really well because you’ve got the right attitude and that’s amazing. Alright, so someone is gonna hire a people there. Listened to you, they’ve hit burn out, they want to make a change, they want to make a team, what happens if you get someone to train and you put in all those energy and then they just leave your business and like set up a business in competition with you as a photographer? What would you say to that?
Pamela: Yeah, I’ve got two things to say to that actually cuz I usually freak out at the very beginning. “What happens if I get this person to shoot with me and then run their own business?” so, I kind of remember things like that because I look at the way it was when I was younger and the people that helped me and the people that I’ve worked for and the that mentored me I’ve kind of always looked at them as being huge advocates of who I am and to who I am considered to be. So, the perfect example with you, Brent is I ended up asking work experience from 200 photographers and emailed the first 20 pages of Google and I said “Hi, I’m Pamela, I just left my medicine degree and I wanna be a wedding photographer. Can I please have work experience?” and fairly enough I have one person get back to me and I had another person offline and I found out that it was you, Brent. So, you’re actually one of the only photographers who actually sat down, you gave me 2 hours of your time to set… I was 19 at that time saying I wanted to be a photographer. And ok, you need to get on to this website, be part of this group and basically just gave me all those resources that was so priceless and then 2 years later we connect and then all of a sudden now you’re interviewing me about my business approach. So, the question is what happens if you trained somebody up and then they leave you? Well, it’s kind of like… Well, what happens if you don’t train them up and they don’t leave you? So, I always look at the fact that you don’t really have to maintain relationship so if I have a photographer who turned around after three years and I think when I said people like now that… Especially gen wise… People wanna have jobs with company as well as so they can learn. If they kind of grow out of the role which will happen right? They’ll kind of… As long as they will still maintain the relationship with people after they leave, then so you know, if you don’t find a group or anything, you can always come back but basically I’ve dealt with that people opening up their own businesses right next to me and I think it’s… Because people are not… I’ve seen it happen with people countless upon countless times is that huge videography company in Sydney here… Probably 5 of their shooters over the last 3 years have literally left their company and started out their own business and I’ll always wish people luck when they do that but I think that running your own business is extremely difficult and you need a team for that and if you go out and sort of have this conception of “oh, ok I’m just gonna be my own videographer and run my own company and I’ll take all my profit”. Then I suppose it’s gonna be a huge money cut and later down the track you’re gonna go “Actually, this is not what I thought it was. Now I’m just doing 80 percent of the business related things”. So, to me, I think there’s plenty of work out there for everybody as well so, I don’t really look to that. I thnk if I consumed my mind with all those “Oh my god, what if this happens”, I just need to look to my goals and where our company is going and go “great, this has been a bit of a setback when you left but I wish them luck”. These things happen but you know, always create a culture and environment that people won’t want to leave.
Brent: I think you have. You’ve created that culture and people won’t want to leave. You know, I think people will care and shouldn’t want to leave. I mean, unless they’re like you and me just want to run their own thing.
Pamela: I was gonna say… Save the world… The least that comes to mind when I think about people who… Yeah we haven’t… Yeah haven’t really had… I mean, we had one video editor who basically couldn’t keep up with the capacity because he was working a full time job and he was like “I’m really happy with my full time job and I can’t keep up with the capacity” and so then we went, “great! Awesome!” so there’s no grief around there at all but with that, and I say to everybody… I wanna make sure that we can have a really enjoyable… You know, when we shoot weddings I’ll say to any of the videographers “what do we need in this and this and this” and they’ll go “oh we probably need one of these if we’re gonna pull this off in the final edit” and then I’ll just set everybody up for success and nobody is feeling like they don’t have everything they need they need to be this really awesome creative that they can. So, it’s being able to listen to what they get out of the experience of the process as well and I love it! I love the people. Money is not the huge… It’s not the biggest motivator. It’s being able to come to a wedding shoot and be able to know that they’re gonna be working with a really fun and professional team that day. I mean, some companies sometimes don’t have that standard that they shoot for. So, it’s yeah!
Brent: That why people should join your company. It’s not always salary that they get. There’s other thing, you know? Your vision. Awesome Pamela, You’ve been amazing. I just want to quickly summarize what we’ve gone through. So, we’ve ran through how not to get yourself burned out as a wedding photographer, we ran through you story and that you’ve actually burned out twice running your business with a team of one, you’ve ran through quite a few good resources. The E myth revisited. That book is a really good book if you want to find out all about small businesses. You went through, you making a decision whether you are to go back to working for someone else or making your business work, you wrote down a list, you got clarity on where you were, you started outsourcing and how you feel about your business became so much better in just over a year, you’ve gone from a team of one to a team of thirteen over two years and you’re passionate about what you’re doing again. You’re not burned out, you love it. You have obviously created a good culture in your business, you defined the vision and why people need to work in your company and with your company. You’ve branded yourself really well, discussed the “what if someone leaves and become a competition with you”, if someone joined this podcast and they realize that they actually need a team or they’ll hit burn out or if they don’t want to hit burn out. What would you say they should do? What are the action steps to do right now?
Pamela: Yeah, I think the absolute most critical thing you have to do if you’re ever going to assign a role to anybody other than yourself is at the moment they’re probably used to doing everything and I’ve got and they’ve got all the systems in their head as to how to do things so, the number one thing is that… And it took me a good 3 months full time to systemize everything in my business and get everything out of my head unto the paper so there’s a website called… Basically it’s an extension of Google so, it’s googlesites. S.I.T.E.S ( and you actually even make a back end auto login for your team and you can actually right out systems in all the different categories in your business so, there’s five different steps to be dialing your actual system, you write out the actual task, you write who’s role it’s assigned to, you’ll basically need to say why you need to complete this task for the employee and then you tell them how you do it and then you basically list down the steps on how to do it. So, something as simple as… When we had admin go in the peak seasons and we actually have deliveries all and all that and all that book keeping has to go in. The system that wrote out as to how to roll out receipts for example. So, there was a system where basically I’m having to take a photo of all of the receipts, all of them in chronological order and upload them to our dropbox file in the three different months. So, it’s three months worth of receipt and that system took me about two and a half hour to write and then it was really thorough so everything that you do on a daily basis and keep a notebook and over the first two weeks keep a log book of everything you are doing in your business and then go home and say “ok, am I ever going to do that again?” and if you’re ever going to do that in your business again then it must be put into a system so that when someone comes in say an admin person or a photo editor that way you can show them the system and they’ll know how to do it with the exact same quality that you do it and… Basically having somebody come into your business you need to basically give them the working manual of everything that you do day in and day out. So, that’s step one.
Brent: Ok perfect! So, that happened to me too. Look, we went through a few employees when I first had my portrait business and it does you know… Someone gets pregnant and they needed to go away for awhile and we needed to retrain someone and I realized that training someone and doing the same training every year or two I’m like “I need to record this somehow” so I don’t have to retrain someone just have them watch this video or read the manual. We call it standard operating procedures (SOPs). Alright, so that’s the first thing to do in the action step. Systemizing in your business, get a log book, everything in your task to do if you’re gonna do it more than once create a standard operating procedure around that task. What’s the next thing people need to do?
Pamela: Going back to when I decided I wanted to… But basically before you put anybody on, you make sure you prepare yourself. When somebody does come in and do anything in your business, you have to have a good three months list of tasks to keep in mind otherwise, what’s gonna happen if we don’t? So, basically, if you’re trying to put on somebody, you can’t be just sitting there and telling them what to do and then kind of like you’re wasting time telling them what to do even after 3 or 4 weeks. It’s pretty much counterproductive when putting somebody on. Making sure you have a set plan basically putting down the hours so in terms of if thinking right now about actually assigning certain tasks log all the hours so write all the systems down for what you need to do in your business but then go “ok great, what at the moment is taken out?” and then you list all the different areas in your business and then you kind of going “ok which ones should I outsource today or tomorrow?” and uhm… Select those, highlight them out and figure out what role basically do you need and who’s your very first person. So, I think we’ve all as photographers, the most clever thing to do is put on a photo and as I was appraising my situation I was looking at everything that was taking up all the time and yes the admin was taking up a fair bit but I know that the actual photo editing side of it, that was the one that took the most of my hours and so I decided to outsource that first. So, basically you’ve just gone through the different tasks that you do day in, day out and also just finding efficiencies where you can as well as what I mentioned for this year we’ve done. We’ve got all these different tools like story board and airbrush pluggins and just try to even automate the system even quicker. Get it to its maximum efficiency before you outsource it and making sure that you’re not spending time and money on things that can be a little bit quicker. But, I think that you know, that’s the next step. Just figure out what’s the most consuming your time and then outsource that.
The Bottle Neck
Brent: I think yeah, so that’s good. So finding the bottle neck basically, where’s the bottle neck in your business? Where is the place where everything kind of stops and that’s the biggest time hog in your business and then you’ve been outsourcing it or out tasking it or using some kind of software to automate it so you don’t have to do it anymore. I think we’re even with those two because those are two very big action steps so systemizing everything in your business and then outsource the biggest bottle neck in your business because the soonest you outsource your biggest bottle neck you’re gonna get your most time back and with that time back you can actually make a business as a whole as a aerial view, bird’s eye view and see “ok, what’s the next thing that I can outsource?” or out task. If you don’t know the difference between outsourcing and out tasking, outsourcing is when you hire someone in your business to do a number of tasks and out tasking is when you get a contractor to do one single task. Let’s just say editing your wedding images you can out task that. You can give that to a contractor or you can give it to the company that will do it for you. So, Pamela it’s been amazing! You’ve been full of so much great information and I’m sure…
Pamela: Frankly, I haven’t spoken too much…
Brent: No, no you’ve been really good and I’m so impressed at the way you think now in your natural business mind. You know, I can see… I know you’ve been building for the last two years. You’ve got it up to point. I think this season is gonna be amazing for you. I’d love to catch up after the wedding season and find out how much you make.
Pamela: Well, yeah sure!
Brent: Yeah, so maybe the end of summer next year? Going into autumn…
Pamela: Yeah.
Brent: Here in Australia we’ll have another interview and just see how things have gone and what issues you might have encountered throughout the year. The big wins and the big issues that you’ve solved. Thanks so much for being on the show, Pamela. If people wanna find out more about you where should they go?
Pamela: They can check out and they can also find me in Linkedin as well. It’s Pamela Aurino and you know, they can also just follow us on Facebook we’re on ElaStudios as well. So I get a lot of emails of people wanting work experience or anybody just general people needing to do an interview with a professional photographer. We always get those sorts of emails and from my experience from the very beginning I was making sure that I was open to sharing those opportunities and lots of other stuff so…
Brent: Perfect! Well, thanks so much for being on the show. I’ll catch you later.
Pamela: Thank you! Thanks for having me, Brent. Bye!
Brent: OK, no worries bye!
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